Event Retrospect


Date: 15.07.2022, 19:00

E-book release and discussion with Louise Walleneit (artist, Leipzig), Dr. Barbara John (curator & art historian, Leipzig) and Maria Meyer (MMKoehn-Verlag, Leipzig)

In the interactive room installation "cloudmeeting", the media artist Louise Walleneit is concerned with the transformation of body language through digital communication. The room is equipped with sensors that register the movements and touches within the room and with the textile membranes and translate them into sounds. The sounds in turn influence the people in the room. This "physical chat room" translates body language and sensuality into a kind of code and leaves an audible sonic imprint.

Together with performers, visitors and sound artist Olli Holland, Louise Walleneit explores the question of the translatability of sensual experiences in and with digital space. "cloudmeeting" is a research project that the artist is pursuing as part of the PhD programme at the Bauhaus University Weimar. The publication "cloudmeeting" was published as a brochure by MMKoehn Verlag in December 2021 and is now published as an e-book with audiovisual contributions.

The artist will present the e-book in a conversation with curator and art historian Dr Babara John and Maria Meyer from MMKoehn Verlag in the HALLE 14 Art Library. The conversation will be moderated by Elena Strempek, Head of the Art Library.

A production by Louise Walleneit in co-production with LOFFT - DAS THEATER as part of X SPINDELN funded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxony State Parliament.